
WeAreTechWomen's Inspirational Woman: Czarina Barnsby | Head of Technical Architecture, 6point6




作为技术架构主管 6point6我负责领导我们的技术架构师团队. My job is to create an environment where my team can thrive – coaching and mentoring them as they develop in their architecture careers, 并支持他们成为解决方案架构师.

I’m passionate about nurturing tech talent – both in my role as well as through our Technical Architecture Academy here at 6point6. 去年, I co-created and developed the Academy to provide a structured programme to accelerate our Architects’ development. The pillars of the Technical Architecture Academy span core consulting skills, AWS和Azure技术的技术认证, 以及方法和应用技能. The aim is to take our team through the whole architecture lifecycle and equip our Technical Architects with a toolkit for delivering organisational change and architecting customer-centric technology and systems.


Being agile has been the guiding principle of my career strategy to date – and it’s one that has worked well for me against the backdrop of an ever-changing technology landscape. Staying ahead of the curve means I’m always on the lookout for new technologies and opportunities to evolve my expertise.

这就是为什么我训练我的团队去适应不舒服. Keeping pace with technological change requires us to experiment: trial new things, 从经验中学习, grow from our mistakes – and overcome our fear of failure or the embarrassment we feel when things go wrong. To quote the foremost principle of agile methodology: “without failing fast, we can’t learn”.

我对未知的信仰使我走到了今天. 2021年,我离开公司,去亚马逊网络服务公司接受再培训. I’d held senior roles across the B2B Managed Services business for over a decade – but I was eager to expand my skills and ready to join a bigger IT world. 那一年, I retrained through the AWS Academy and qualified as an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate and Cloud Practitioner before joining 6point6 in my role as Head of Technical Architecture.


作为一名科技行业的女性,我的职业生涯从来都不是直线的. 事实上, I first realised I wanted to work with technology when I was a little girl and my mother retrained in computing. It was the 1990’s and at the time I didn’t realise that a woman in tech was rare. It wasn’t until I started studying computing in college that I found myself the only girl in the room. 所以, 尽管考试成绩很好, I stopped after one module and pursued studies in English and Media instead.

We all know that representation in the classroom is important – but reflecting on this experience now as a leader in tech, I’m conscious of the urgency to inspire and encourage girls into STEM subjects. I believe I have a responsibility to ensure that no one else will be the only girl in the room. The careers and opportunities that technology can unlock are tremendous – and it’s only by speaking with young people that we can break barriers in this sector. 我们正在取得巨大的进步, but I want to show the next generation of girls that they can dream of being anything.


提供支持, 将人们聚集在一起, and seeing those around me succeed is what brings me the greatest sense of accomplishment. 我很满足于帮助别人度过他们的人生旅程, and nothing compares to seeing my mentees and colleagues grow and reach their goals – whether that’s passing an exam, 找到一份新工作, 或者在事业上取得成功. I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to marry a lifelong love of technology with a passion for building communities for women and allies to thrive, 并指导他们取得比自己认为的更多的成就.

In 2021, 我成为了两家AWS学院培训机构的导师, and founded and launched two new networks dedicated to championing diversity and tackling the gender gap in IT: Women and Allies in Tech, 以及科技领域的杰出女性和盟友. The former network spans the entire e-careers AWS Academy training programme, 迄今为止,她已经在16个以上的孤立群体中联系了100多名女性.

What I love about my role and the team within 6point6 is how people across the business are empowered to drive change and realise their ambitions. 去年, 我和我的同事一起工作, 菲比斯, 推出6point6女性参与科技指导计划. This programme connects female tech leaders across the industry with women at 6point6 – supporting our colleagues to grow their networks and thrive in their careers. It’s a very rewarding and humbling experience to join a community of colleagues who are striving to engineer change and positively impact the lives of those around them.


It’s a really exciting time to be a woman in tech – there are so many resources out there! 就个人而言,我是一个超级粉丝 TEDx -我觉得这些演讲和人们讲的故事真的很鼓舞人心. As an AWS Community Builder, I also can’t recommend AWS Cloud Women UK or the fantastic 云中的女性 “自我介绍”计划足够高. Through these communities I’ve met so many amazing people and built a network that truly empowers me to be the best technologist, 顾问, 我可以成为领导者和导师.



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