
作者:Rachel Harrison, CRO & 用户体验经理.

作为一家绩效营销机构, connective3 has a vast number of teams that specialise in helping our clients achieve impressive results. This can consist of increasing brand awareness or driving further traffic to their websites. 但毫无疑问, one of the most essential elements of effective marketing activity is ensuring that when users reach the website, 他们可以转换或完成他们需要的任务.  



  1. 有一个简单易用的网站,提供无缝连接, on-site user experience where users don’t have to question what their next steps should be.
  2. Have a website that aligns to both a user’s wants and needs, these may consist of:
    1. 拥有用户感兴趣的相关产品.
    2. Efficient stock levels, so that users can complete their purchase during their visit.
    3. 具有价格竞争力, or at least offering a feasible price option that can be a contender for the user.
    4. Having USPs that appeal to a user – these could consist of things like free delivery, 多种支付选项或积极的客户评价.

但是当你考虑到心理学原理, there’s still so much more that we marketeers can do to help users have a positive overall experience with your brand.


The psychology concept, the persuasion slide, is split into numerous different stages. 这些展示了网站如何才能最好地吸引用户, 希望他们最终能皈依.

说服幻灯片 is split into four different areas, as explained below:  


滑梯的第一步是重力. This key stage suggests that users need to have the initial motivation that’s required to be able to qualify as a potential customer, 或用户.

有各种各样的营销活动,比如点击付费, 搜索引擎优化和公关可以抓住用户的注意力,而浏览互联网. 然而, there must be some form of interest from a customer that encourages them to begin their journey down the slide.

通常在这个阶段, 调整网站上的服务是很重要的, 或者由品牌提供, 还有顾客想要的东西. 有几种方法可以理解用户的动机, such as engaging with your research team to understand who your audience is. 或者,如果这是不可用的,那么自己运行研究会议.  


Once you’ve motivated your customer, you need to try your best to grab their attention. 这可以在你的网站上以许多不同的方式完成, but you need to ensure that you’re doing it in a way that best speaks to your customers.

例如, having a very obvious pop up that presents itself on the website is a good way to grab users’ attention. 然而, 它可能会很突兀,因此, 对你和用户的关系有不利影响吗. As, the pop up like the one featured below could annoy a user while they’re trying to watch a video, 而不是对通讯下载产生积极影响.

最终, the goal of the ‘nudge stage’ would mean that you’ve grabbed your users’ attention but also started persuading them to make a decision that’s related to the brand, 太.

需要对这个助推的位置进行大量的思考, and also when the correct time is for this to present itself in a user’s journey. An effective ‘nudge’ will result in users continuing their journey down the slide and, 因此,他们更有可能在最后转变.

说服幻灯片的第三个阶段, 角, refers to a user being in the correct position which leads them to go down the slide. 一旦用户的注意力被吸引, it’s time to start motivating them through a vast range of persuasion techniques.

These persuasion techniques can be split into two different motivation categories:


有意识的激励因素 are the most common elements that are frequently used within UX design and CRO programmes. 这些可以由以下元素组成:

  • USP面板-这些通常侧重于免费送货等功能, 电子商务行业的折扣代码和信任审查.  
  • 销售倒计时和受欢迎程度的标志-例如, “在过去一小时内有X位顾客购买了这个产品”.


对用户来说,激励因素并不总是显而易见的, 无意识激励因素就是一个例子. These elements specifically focus on encouraging users, without explicitly making them aware.


  • Putting all of the key information above the fold so that a user doesn’t need to scroll far to find the content that they need.
  • 拥有社会认可的物品, 例如, 产品的星级和提供评论的用户数量.

A lot of these motivators are effective and relatively easy to incorporate into experimentation, 以及长期的营销策略. 当你访问电子商务巨头的网站时, 你会注意到这些技巧经常被使用.

For instance, on a desktop, you can see that ASOS presents a lot of these motivators above the fold. And this can refer to a discount offer, delivery information or the ‘trending’ labelling.


如果你成功地在用户的整个旅程中支持他们, then getting them past the final step of the persuasion slide can be the trickiest.

通常, 许多用户忽略了他们旅程的后一部分, and instead focus on ensuring they have large traffic volumes going to their website. 然而, if this traffic isn’t going to convert then the overall marketing technique fails to be effective.

Often, the biggest friction points in a user’s journey can refer to the checkout process. Whether this is due to undescriptive error messages that users are unable to overcome (and therefore give up on), or captchas that are 太 difficult for anything other than a robot to bypass.

Behavioural 太ls such as hotjar are great to help understand where users are struggling, 尤其是在你旅程的最后阶段. Simply setting up form funnels will enable you to understand drop off rates and then progress to watching session recordings, 这样你就可以准确地指出问题在哪里.


整体, it’s important to think about each of the individual steps in your users’ journey, making sure that you are effectively providing them with support throughout this process. 还记得, 就因为他们在幻灯片的顶端, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll reach the bottom without getting off!  

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