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In 2022 we welcomed our third cohort of students, 我们2021年的学生将获得超过1521小时的实际经验. 为了进一步提高我们学生的知识,我们开始与Steven Cockcroft一起在 Cyber Security Professionals 为部分学生提供独特的网络安全资格认证途径. 这些认证有助于我们的学生达到行业标准,并表明我们致力于提供符合行业标准的安全服务.

在2022年,我们还扩大了我们的覆盖范围,包括整个西北地区的大学, which includes Liverpool, Chester and Lancashire. 远程工作作为混合劳动力的采用使这种转变成为可能,我们已经有来自中央兰开夏大学的学生现在在中心工作. 

一项十大网博靠谱平台西北网络弹性中心(North West Cyber Resilience Centre)给学生带来的社会价值的独立调查显示,每投资1英镑,就能获得6英镑的回报. 

Why do Junior Ethical Hackers join the Cyber Resilience Centre?

  • 借调警官和高级网络安全顾问的简历推荐信

  • Taking part in the North West Student Chapter which brings together industry experts, 潜在的招聘机会和与其他学生建立联系的机会

  • MJ为每位道德黑客提供1-2-1支持,帮助每位学生申请工作并为大学毕业后的生活做好准备

  • Full-time summer placement opportunity to work in the centre

All our Junior Ethical Hackers are overseen by our Senior Cyber Security Consultant, MJ 谁向我们最近的毕业生讲述了他们在过去1-2年在中心的经历. 

Read the stories of students who graduated in 2022

Maks GotkowiczMaks Gotkowicz was first employed in 2020, he completed his BSc in Computer Science with the University of Manchester. For the past two years, he has been involved in several projects including penetration tests, security awareness training and web application assessments. 

Maks has also obtained several certifications(fully-funded) which include; NIST NCSP, CISMP, and ISO 27001 lead implementor/auditor during his time at NWCRC. 马克刚刚在劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)获得了Azure安全工程师的新职位.

"Over the two years at the CRC, 我已经能够直接与中小企业合作,通过各种活动,如OSINT调查和安全意识培训,加强大十大网博靠谱平台的网络弹性. 

为中心提供顾问服务,使我建立了技能和信心,能够向面向商业的听众介绍技术概念, 并在团队中协同工作,克服各种项目中的挑战性任务. Thanks to the brilliant mentoring provided to students, this role has proven to be an excellent step into the cybersecurity industry, and I am extremely grateful for this fantastic opportunity."

Robert WoolvinRobert Woolvin 他于2021年夏天首次澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台CRC,当时他正在索尔福德大学学习计算机科学与网络安全的第二年. 罗伯特提供的主要服务之一是我们的网络意识培训,这是与索尔福德主机合作提供的. During this program, NWCRC为索尔福德的200家当地企业提供了网络意识培训. 

Rob和他的同事Shaza Alhaddad一起为每个企业开发和提供了几个安全意识课程. Rob刚刚在NCC集团获得了一个新职位,担任初级安全顾问.

"During my time at the Cyber Resilience Centre, I gained vital knowledge and experience in the Cyber Security sector. 这以web应用程序测试和教育小企业网络安全意识的重要性的形式出现. 这段时间既充实又增强了我的信心,也帮助我进入了一个我渴望追求的角色."

Ethan DennisonEthan Dennison 他于2021年夏天在十大网博靠谱平台城市大学学习计算机科学与网络取证的第一年澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台NWCRC. 伊森参与了各种各样的项目,从提供培训到代表我们参加数字城市节. 

在此期间,Ethan接受了NWCRC与网络安全专业人员合作提供的广泛认证培训. 伊森现在已经获得了一个工业实习机会,作为约克郡和亨伯地区网络犯罪部门的网络犯罪实习生. 

“CRC给了我与十大网博靠谱平台各地的企业合作的绝佳机会, allowing me to expand my knowledge in security awareness training, and through the cyber security professionals program with Steven Cockcroft, preparing me thoroughly for placement and the industry. 

The CRC helped me grow in my confidence and professionalism. Ultimately, working with the CRC has been a great joy, 我将永远感激他们在我的职业生涯中所起的作用.”

除此之外,我们还为当地学生提供有偿培训和工作经验, we are here to bond with them and shape their careers. In our student chapter events, 我们接待了行业专家,为本地学生带来了宝贵的经验和招聘机会. 

去年,我们招募了一名在校学生作为全职实习生,他帮助我们完成了一个重大项目,我们期待着推出我们的第一个全职工业实习. 我们的团队有动力加倍努力,以确保我们为当地经济提供下一代人才. We review CVs, provide references and link them with experts where required. 

- Senior Cyber Security Consultant MJ

You can learn more about our student development program here. 

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