
Start Unlocking Your Creative Potential by Practicing These 5 Easy Methods

Ever feel like you’re in a creative rut and not quite reaching your potential?  Or if you feel like you want to build your confidence when it comes to creativity and exploring new ideas but you’re not sure where to start, this blog includes some practical ways you can unlock all that creative potential.

1. 浪费时间

浪费时间听起来会适得其反, but unlocking creative potential requires quite a bit of trying and failing… which ultimately all takes a lot of time. When we feel under pressure to use the time we have to make amazing results happen, we tend to feel a bit less like getting creative and instead lean towards relying on our traditional method in order to get the job done efficiently.900

Some people might dedicate 5 minutes each morning or an hour in the evening, 但不管你怎么选择, set some time aside to be creative without any pressure on the result. When you do this you give yourself space to experiment with new ideas and unlock your creative potential further. 例如, a graphic designer might choose to work on a crazy hypothetical brief for a few minutes each morning just to test new design ideas and style, and in turn they’ll be sharpening their skills and discovering their own creative taste further.

2. 做笔记

当我们重复同样的动作足够多的时候,它就变成了一种习惯. That’s why it’s a great idea to get into the practice of actively looking for inspiration when you’re out and about or in the office, whenever you see something that sparks your creativity or makes you feel inspired. 记得记笔记. 你可能想快速录个语音记录, sketch an idea or just stick it in note format in your phone – but getting into the practice will lead to you more actively looking for creative inspiration around you.

The great thing is that this tip can apply for a lot of different circumstances – see a piece of copy that made you laugh? 做个笔记! 或者如果你在广告中看到一个创意,让你真的看, make a note of what design style it was so that you can remember to explore the idea further.

3. 让自己充满灵感

我们从周围的事物中获得灵感, and we can just as equally feel a bit disheartened by what we view regularly. 所以时不时地, have a look through your social media feeds and see whether it’s a true reflection of what you’d like to see. 花时间去寻找最能激励你的资源, 那就是电子邮件通讯, 社区和团体, 博客或有影响力的人等等. The same goes for networking to find like-minded creatives that share your passion and can push you to go even further with your ideas. When we surround ourselves with sources of inspiration both online and offline, we are more likely to take positive steps toward unlocking our creative potential.

4. 得到反馈

Sometimes when we’re standing very close to something, we don’t get the full picture. This can happen on projects that we’ve put a lot of effort into, so it’s always a good idea to ask for honest feedback from those like-minded creatives you’ve spent time getting to know. 例如, we may have just spent hours writing copy for a new campaign and think it’s perfect. 当我们让另一个人来复习的时候, they might notice that the overall tone doesn’t come off exactly how it should. That feedback helps you to make a note to avoid that same mistake in the future.

Having a supportive community to ask for feedback from can help you to develop on creative ideas and give you the confidence to push an idea even further.

5. 停止比较

攀比确实会扼杀创造力. When we look a bit too closely at what other people are having success with, we might find it easier to try to replicate whatever it is that they are doing rather than using our own creativity to come up with a more innovative approach. 充分释放创造潜力, the best comparison you can make is against yourself the last time you tried that particular task.

例如, if you see an ad format working well for one of your competitors, you might be tempted to try to replicate that same style for your own brand. Not only does this take you off course from finding your brand’s unique approach, it would also make your brand blend into the ads in your industry rather than stand out. That’s why it’s always best to make choices based on comparisons against the data you have on your own previous attempts , 而不是依赖于别人的工作.

