
The festive period brings us plenty of opportunities to get our fill of mince pies, 寒冷天气活动, 神奇的歌咏会, 还有更多.

There’s no surprise that it’s the most wonderful time of the year (well, 据安迪·威廉姆斯说, 它是). If you’re in the mood for some festive frolics to enjoy with your family, 朋友, 合作伙伴, 甚至是你自己, we’ve put together an extensive list of activities you can do to make sure you enjoy Christmas 2022 in and around Manchester.

十大网博靠谱平台圣诞集市 -免费

Why travel all the way to Germany to experience authentic Christmas Markets when you could stay on English soil? 一如既往地, 非常受欢迎的市场又回到了十大网博靠谱平台街头, 这里有很多传统的摊位,提供各种各样的食物, 饮料, 礼物, 和更多的.

在12月22日之前,有超过220个摊位可供选择, 肯定会有大家都喜欢的东西. 

市中心的节日星期天 -免费

If you find yourself longing for a bit of outdoorsy entertainment on a Sunday afternoon or evening in December, 为什么不去市中心享受节日的乐趣呢?

连续六个星期日的街头表演, 明亮的灯光, 音乐将席卷十大网博靠谱平台城, providing lots of opportunities for families and 朋友 to get into the Christmas spirit.

滑冰十大网博靠谱平台 - 14英镑起.成人50英镑,12英镑.儿童50英镑

滑冰又回到了十大网博靠谱平台的中心地带. 位于大教堂花园, skaters can enjoy the sound of skates sliding and slicing over the ice all day and evening long.

Whatever the weather, you can enjoy lots of fun thanks to their covered roof. This is the perfect place to go if you’re looking for a nice date activity in Manchester. Fingers crossed they have plenty of penguins for those who are a little bit sceptical of their skating abilities (not us, 我们承诺…).

特拉福德中心的暴风雪 - 11英镑起.99

The UK’s biggest family ice show is coming to the Trafford Centre this year. 体验16位顶级滑冰选手, 国际马戏明星, 200平方米的冰面上有北极熊.

The whole celebration will have you on the edge of your seat, desperate to return for more. +, make it a whole day and get your shopping done at all the fantastic shops inside the Trafford Centre.

解锁:锁在拉普兰 - £28

出事了,圣诞老人把自己锁在工作室里了, 圣诞夫人不高兴了, 精灵们惊慌失措, 驯鹿几乎没有提供任何帮助. 你能拯救圣诞节吗??

这是一个分组讨论室,送到你家门口. Enjoy the stress of saving Christmas whilst sitting cosy in your own house in a box of fun that’s perfect for families and 朋友.

冬天Funland - 22英镑起.成人50岁 & 孩子们

英国最受期待的圣诞嘉年华即将来到十大网博靠谱平台. 冬季乐园有很多适合儿童的游乐设施, 把微笑和笑声带到每个来访者的脸上.

最重要的是, 如果你一整天都很饿, 有很多食物和饮料, 与汉堡, 棉花糖, 爆米花, 披萨, 热狗, 还有薯片供应. You only need to purchase one ticket for unlimited rides and ice skating. 你还在等什么

希顿公园的光之城 - 22英镑起.成人50英镑,14英镑.儿童50英镑

The award-winning Lightopia is back and ready to light up Heaton Park brighter than ever before. 预订机票,踏上圣诞之旅, 专注于新的开始, 希望, 和重生.

享受光明的, 令人眼花缭乱的灯饰, 一场神奇的水上表演, 还有举世闻名的凤凰城. 今年的Lightopia将是有史以来最好的. 一定要现在订票,以免失望!

《哈利·波特:禁忌的森林之旅 - 26英镑起.成人50英镑,21英镑.儿童50英镑

Enchanting creatures from Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts films have come to life in the spellbinding Forbidden Forrest. 踏上穿越阿利大厅的神奇之旅 & 花园在这梦幻般的神奇和美妙的体验.

Each ticket allows you entry to the woodland walk and access to the Village, 装满了哈利波特主题的食物 & 喝. This is the perfect event for all fans who want nothing more than to become immersed in the Wizarding World. 

逃到冬岛 -免费预订

非常受欢迎的十大网博靠谱平台热点, 逃到货运岛, 在圣诞季及时进行了节日改造. 

客人可以在许多餐厅享用美食, 热葡萄酒和其他节日饮料, 屋顶溜冰场, 还有更多. 无论你喜欢什么圣诞礼物,你都可以在这里找到.

真爱至上,布里奇沃特音乐厅 - 43英镑起

啊,真爱至上. An absolute Christmas classic with a star-studded cast is coming to the Bridgewater Hall in December alongside a full orchestra performing its soundtrack live to screen.

《真爱在音乐会》是一个非常受欢迎的活动, with many other locations across the UK hosting it around this time of the year. 请务必现在预订,以保证有座位. 这是一个你不想错过的活动/事件.

柴郡橡树的圣诞节 -免费参观

Cheshire Oaks is extending its opening hours this festive period and bringing you lots of ways to enjoy Christmas. 

Take a trip to the Winter Village to enjoy traditional German Brätwurst with warm mulled wine and marvel at the tallest Christmas tree in the North of England. 此外,你还可以乘坐摩天轮,甚至和圣诞老人一起在天空中飞翔. “摩天轮”的票价为儿童5英镑,成人6英镑.

东兰开夏铁路的圣诞老人专车 - 27英镑起.成人59英镑,27英镑.儿童50英镑

Ready to kickstart your Christmas with an enchanting journey through the magical Irwell Valley? The East Lancashire Railway is bringing their Santa Special voyages with more family fun than you could ever imagine.

Immerse yourself in Santa’s workshop with happy elves on hand to help you throughout the journey and a meeting with Father Christmas himself. Mrs Claus and a magical talking Christmas tree will also meet you on the approximately 80-minute-long journey.

雷蒙德Brigg的 雪人 在布里奇沃特庄园 - 27英镑起.成人50英镑,17英镑.儿童50英镑

传奇人物雷蒙德·布里格斯的圣诞经典之作. 雪人 is an essential part of many families’ Christmas routines, and the Bridgewater Hall is showcasing the original 1982 TV film alongside a live orchestra.

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without watching this favourite with the fire on. 而布里奇沃特大厅可能并没有真正的火灾, we’re sure the heating will be turned up full whack for that authentic feel.

彼得·潘的哑剧历险记 - 13英镑起

Manchester comedic superstar, Jason Manford, is headlining the pantomime classic Peter Pan. 这是所有家庭都能享受的理想活动, 伴随着大量的歌声, 特效, 惊人的阶段, 还有令人难以置信的服装.

Be a part of the panto magic and take your family on a swashbuckling trip to Neverland this Christmas.

Hayloft圣诞老人体验 成人16英镑起,儿童18英镑起

The Hayloft in Cheshire is inviting you to join the elves in their workshop for some enchanting Christmas activities, 包括为圣诞老人的司机制作驯鹿食物. +, a miniature railway takes you towards Santa’s grotto, with presents available for each child.

不过一定要把衣服裹紧! All the activities take place undercover outside so dress for the chilly weather. With dates available throughout December, there’s sure to be a time to suit you.

