

This is probably the moment when you’re scrambling to get various things together and stressing about those clients who are just sauntering through their BFCM campaign planning.

我们都想要实现的是一个成功的第四季度, where your clients are happy and the whole team behind the effort is aligned towards your main goal. Each and every department must know what’s expected of them and the best steps and techniques to reach that high level of success.

We’ve put together a short guide on how you can write successful ad copy for your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns. 看看下面的一些建议吧!


At the end of the day, getting people to follow through with your ads and convert is the goal. Creating FOMO around your campaigns can encourage readers to take action and make them truly believe you're hosting a limited-time/limited-stock sale.

你所有的竞争对手都会采用这种策略, 所以确保你不要落在人群后面. Even including the simple phrase "limited-time sale" within your ad copy can push the consumer into a purchase because they'll believe that the deal won't be around for long.


  • "限量供应."
  • “快点! 优惠在24小时内结束".
  • “售完即止”.
  • “闪电出售! X现在打X%的折扣,只有几个小时.".

Making the viewer believe they'll miss out on the deal is one of the main focuses of your campaigns. Don't bore them and force them over to your competitors; entice them with flash sales, 折扣突然增加, and language that'll trick them into thinking you only have one product or one size left in stock.


Another top tip is to make sure your copy stays relevant throughout the BFCM period. 让客户感到困惑是你最不想做的事情, as they’re more than likely to choose your competitors for their products instead. 

Offering a sitewide blanket discount to all your customers is useful in this regard. There shouldn’t be anyone incorrectly typing in a code or contacting your customer support team to ask whether one product has a bigger discount than your others.

也, ensure your copy and any codes you use are consistent across all your channels; organic, 付费媒体, 电子邮件营销, 和网站. Don’t unnecessarily puzzle anyone by having different discounts/products/promotion dates across Instagram, 脸谱网, 或者你网站的销售横幅, 因为没人会明白发生了什么.

如果你的广告上写着“黑色星期五特价:八折”, 有人通过点击进入你的网站, 一定要给他们挂个横幅, 图像, 或者登陆页面传达同样的信息. This will alleviate so many issues in the long run and ensure there’s no confusion on the journey from ad viewer to customer.


这是每个人,我们是说每个人,都会做的事情. Black Friday is the time for sales, so push that message to the whole of the internet and beyond.

您的客户将在销售期间认可您通常的TOV, 但不要害怕改编它以吸引更广泛的受众. This links into the idea of FOMO and ensuring the customer knows that a sale is happening and that it’s a limited-time thing.

在此期间,你不只是想吸引你通常的客户群, 所以尽可能多地使用销售词汇, phrases and emojis into your copy will expand your target audience and allow you to reach lots of new customers. 销售一直都在发生, but it’s important to grab this particular sales period by the throat and really get your message out there.

If products are likely to sell out fast, make sure that’s a principal part of your messaging. If you’re promoting your largest sale to date, emphasise how great an offer the customer is getting.


Do not mislead people into thinking your deal or offer is something that it’s not. Putting your discount code or percentage front and centre will show consumers exactly what you’re offering.

同样的, having a clear call to action will make sure the viewer knows what you want them to do; for example, “现场购物”, “结账时用苹果码”, 或者“在篮子里放三件东西,就可以免费送一件”, 等.

Clarity also comes from being aligned across all channels and making sure your deals match. 正如我们之前提到的,有指定的登陆页副本 & website banners that show the same offers as your ads will ensure that nothing gets misinterpreted throughout the checkout process.


不要对各种各样的折扣太在意了. No one will understand what promotion you’re offering if there are different percentage discounts for various products or if you’re giving customers “15% off all Black products for Black Friday”. 这很令人困惑!

Using a blanket discount sitewide throughout the sale will make sure the consumer knows what promotion you’re running. Suppose you’re staggering the deals regularly or constantly changing what offer you’re handing out. 在这种情况下, it’ll most likely lead to a few complaints from customers who saw a better discount/other discounted products a few days before your new promotion.

That being said, having consistent and well-documented staggered promotions can be beneficial. Consumers will eagerly wait for the most considerable discount before purchasing, 可能会有越来越多的人和你一起购物.

所以,你得到了它! Those were just a few of our top tips on how you can write successful ad copy for your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns. We love testing the water with new copy techniques and phrases to encourage consumers to click, 浏览, 和购买, 所以希望, 我们鼓励你今年尝试一些不同的东西.

