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One codebase for web, mobile and desktop

Financial pressure is increasing on companies to adopt digital transformation and work more efficiently.

Constrained by drip fed budgets, 公司倾向于零敲碎打地购买软件系统,很少考虑连接问题. 许多公司现在依赖于通过集成解决方案连接在一起的多个系统 Zapier, with some form of Business Intelligence layer as a reporting system.

虽然这一切都是有效的-有时-充其量,这是一个不优雅的解决方案. 在最坏的情况下,它是一个错综复杂的系统网络,是一个支持和维护的噩梦.

看起来物有所值的东西——买最便宜的系统——是有隐性成本的, of course. Not least of these are the need to devote expensive, 迫使IT资源理解系统是如何工作的(并且必须保留那些拥有“黑匣子”知识的员工), 在员工流动性和工资要求不断增加的大环境下.)

什么看起来可以作为一个整体系统工作,很快就会变得难以管理, as one provider changes software functionality, 导致多米诺骨牌效应,并呼叫多个外部软件支持团队. 对于任何销售商品和服务的公司来说,停机时间是昂贵的, and the more complicated a piecemeal system becomes, 更不可预测的意外停机时间也会变得越来越多.


One integrated software solution

当然,圣杯是一个集成的软件解决方案. 我们现在可能正在接近软件开发中的那个点.

What if you could have one system for Mobile, Web and Desktop apps? All developed from one codebase, 连接到同一个基于云的后端,并且来自同一个软件供应商?

Well. You can.

最初于2017年5月发布,最初是作为移动应用程序开发框架, Flutter 发展界是否越来越强大. Backed by no less than Google, 最新的稳定版本允许web跨平台开发, mobile, and, on a number of different operating systems, desktop apps.

所有这些平台都使用相同的代码库(略有不同). 对于移动设备,代码库被编译为分离原生Android和iOS应用程序. 只要稍微调整一下(主要是围绕屏幕大小),代码就可以制作网页和桌面应用程序.

Flutter 3.3 - the latest stable release - is supported on Android, iOS, MacOS, 各种Linux版本和所有最流行的浏览器. 简而言之,它将在几乎所有可用的64位操作系统上运行. It also forms the core of Google’s shadowy Fuchsia operating system, slated as a possible replacement for Android itself.

Flutter吸引了开发者社区的想象力, with 500,000 apps developed since initial release. 随着微软的Xamarin(目前市场份额仅为11%)和飘浮的Ionic等老式跨平台框架的消亡, which is not far behind Xamarin, the only other real contender is Meta’s React Native, the mobile version of React, with which it shares a mere 40% of code similarities.


With Google’s ambitions for Flutter becoming obvious, and proper investment and support, Flutter appears to be “the next big thing”. Flutter is intuitive and well documented, 其结果是,应用程序的开发时间只有传统原生应用的一半, with lowered support and maintenance costs as well. 它拥有最快的上市时间,因此是目前市场上所有应用开发框架中投资回报率最高的.

So, in summary - Digital Transformation is upon us all. Whilst, to overworked IT departments and Finance Directors, it may seem an expensive and convoluted headache, 这可能被视为公司摆脱零碎系统、支持和维护难题的一个机会, 并采取一种战略方法,以更有效地移动, competitive and ultimately less costly architecture.

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