



在他们不同的角色中, 用户体验(UX)设计师结合了心理学的各个方面, 业务, 研究, 语言, design and technology to provide a seamless digital customer experience online. 


The analogy between on and off line 业务 worlds holds true: a new 业务 owner commits to leasing a high street premises for 5 years, 在发射前花了1000英镑进行初步装备. New 业务 ventures have much improved survival rates in the highly competitive commercial environment of the high street if they continuously invest in: 

  • 确保场地适合主要用途
  • 了解他们的核心客户的需求 
  • 展示有吸引力的橱窗和商店展示 
  • 定期更新他们的展示
  • 创造简单,无麻烦的购买体验



The digital world is similar to the high street in many ways: however with websites you can test multiple versions of your shop to find the most successful format and you can tailor offers and footfall from across marketplaces to increase visibility and sales. 

Invest well in designing great User Experiences and 业务 will thrive. 



When a 业务 finds its core objectives and KPIs becoming purely quantitative; driving the 业务 only for financial sake; then the qualitative priorities of the customer or user usually fade as a consequence. 重构和重新平衡两者的需求是必要的. 

除非企业满足了客户的需求... 它没有目的.  

市场措施需要人的平衡.Once you begin to understand users’ behaviours and the needs that drive their behaviours, you can design an online offer that naturally motivates other users to adopt similar patterns of behaviour.

“好的设计就是好的生意.” T.J. 沃森.他是IBM前总裁


The quality of UX Design is the prime factor ensuring a site sustains visitors’ engagement levels beyond a catchy headline or sharp graphic. 这也决定了他们是否会回来.

专注于可用性和可访问性,以保持用户的快乐和参与. 通常,显而易见的事情会产生重大的积极影响:

  • 色彩心理学
  • 使用行动召唤按钮
  • 提高装载时间
  • 修复断裂的链接
  • 简化网站导航
  • 改善报告
  • 嵌入视频内容



Chances are that the people who use your website don’t want or need the same things you do. Your experience as the designer/owner is not the same as the customer/user. 为他们的需求设计,而不是你的自我. Get over your sense of self-importance and get on with tasks that matter.

Holding on to particular site content purely because it has emotional resonance to you - you created it; it reminds you of something important; it is linked to your original 业务 idea - may not necessarily work for site visitors and their needs now. 

As a 业务 grows, the complexity and nature of ownership grows too. 成功的管理需要花费大量的时间和精力. 如果不定期更新,你的网站的效率会下降, targeted focus on small maintenance tasks and updates that a website will always require.

The site you originally created or commissioned will not be the site that suits an evolving market landscape over time. 正在进行的研究, insight and investment are necessary to stay ahead and remain relevant, 有竞争力和成功. 

UX Design provides fresh perspectives to help a 业务 get out of that rut and back in the groove.


智能(具体, 可衡量的, 可操作的, 现实的, and Time-Based)
 target setting is intrinsic to improving user experiences and 业务 success. Most commercial 业务es are not altruistic in nature - they want to turn a profit, grow and succeed - but the nature and detail of key performance indicators can subtly shift when viewed through a UX Design lens. Carefully balanced and measurable qualitative KPIs can lead to beneficial customer outcomes and have quantitative impact.


- Visitors to a redesigned website for Staples increased by 80% with a 67% increase in repeat customers and 45% reduction in drop off rates. 


- A website and app redesign and merger by Higher Ground at National Lottery NZ increased online ticket sales by 23% in the first six months


Applying 阴极射线示波器 to a project reaches far beyond form filling or call tracking. For UX professionals it’s a methodology for tracking all success metrics. 

转化率是你衡量的东西. 优化这些比率是用户体验部分.

UX Design ensures responsive design components are created to interact with the user in the best way possible, taking into account development constraints such as coding for fast loading times, 屏幕分辨率, 视力障碍和语言障碍. 

将阴极射线示波器应用于面向销售的项目可以确保您建立, 跟踪和理解转换发生的原因. This allows the UX professional to design more effective user journeys with more landing pages, 提高质量分数,创造更多销售领域. UX & 阴极射线示波器 should significantly influence the sales funnel by creating further opportunities to hold users’ interest within a website or brand.




UX设计细节造就产品, services and websites more enjoyable and easier for users or customers: therefore improving their overall journeys or experiences. 

Meaningful UX Design enables digital customer journeys most conducive to 业务 success.


本文由保罗·卡罗兰撰写. Higher Ground的用户体验作家. 高地是一个 用户体验部门 总部设在十大网博靠谱平台. We bring you useful articles and guides to help you get more from your websites, 应用和营销活动. 

我们写过很多十大网博靠谱平台……的文章 UX & 阴极射线示波器.  你可以找到我们十大网博靠谱平台 关键词转化率优化技巧 有帮助的.

