
What is Google’s ‘Page Experience’ update?

Over the years, Google has got better and better at spotting good and bad websites. Long gone are the days you could just stuff as many keywords as possible and watch your website sail to the top of the rankings.

But the new Page Experience update - due for 2021 - promises to be the biggest change to how Google ranks websites in years. 

And they’ve been kind enough to tell us all about it in advance. As the saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. 

高地是一个 用户体验机构 bringing you helpful and informative articles designed to help you learn more about digital strategy. 


The Page Experience update will prioritise websites that users enjoy when deciding Google rankings. 它会考虑这样的事情:

  • Page speed - how quickly your site loads

  • 视觉稳定性- e.g. unexpected pop-ups will be penalised

  • Interactivity - how quickly users can actually interact with your page. If there is a lag, which can be caused by poor code, your rankings could suffer.

Google says it’ll still prioritise great page content - but if you’re not getting the technical stuff right, you are risking a big drop in your rankings when the update arrives.

So what makes a great page experience?

A user’s experience of a website is a combination of factors - not just design and content, but all the stuff that sits behind it. 

Our top tips for ensuring great page experience are:

  • Ensure page layouts are well-optimised on all devices, 其中包括智能手机, 平板电脑和大屏幕. Users should be able to easily find the same info on their commute home as they saw on their laptop earlier that day.

  • Consider using CDN hosting for your page content - this improves load times.

  • Compress all images, CSS and Javascript

  • Make sure pages are secure with HTTPS, and an SSL certificate to prove it - this prevents hackers intercepting private data

  • Create pages that guide your users through the journey. Don’t just rely on navigation menus to perform this task

  • Research your users and their top tasks, and ensure your content caters for these things

  • Provide video for people who don’t want to read.

How can I prepare for the update?

Google is providing a wealth of information on how you can measure your site’s performance in anticipation of the Page Experience update.

在开发者笔记中, Google provides detail on the main metrics you will need to look at when assessing your website’s performance. In particular this includes the new Core Web Vitals, which are the key metrics for measuring loading performance, interactivity and visual stability.

These are all quite technical, so you may want to bring in an 有机SEO专家 to help you understand how well-optimised your website is now.

我们最近帮助 海蒂Vilkman 给她建了个网站 图案设计师 服务. She is now ranking in the top 3 positions for her target keywords.

Making user experience and SEO work together

The bottom line of all this is that from next year, user experience design and SEO will be more intertwined than ever before.

It’s been known for a long time that Google considers things like time on page and bounce rates when deciding where to rank your website. But this goes even deeper - looking at your pages in very much the same way as a human would, and penalising poor layouts and unexpected site behaviour.

简而言之, getting your website experience in order now will save you a lot of time, money and stress when the Page Experience update lands next year.

这篇文章是由 用户体验设计机构 -高地

