
今年我想把重点放在改变上. We’re ending the year in a very different place to where we started it, Huddle发生了很大的变化. I’d go so far as to say this year has seen the most change at Huddle since we began back in 2015!


首先,我们的客户. 今年我们迎来了几位新客户, doubling our number of retained clients with whom we work on a weekly basis. As always, we’re lucky to work with such dynamic people doing exciting things in their spaces. Each one has challenged us and encouraged us to grow and evolve. Continuous improvement is a core value at Huddle and we love clients who support us to live our values.

This kind of client feedback has led to specific changes, including incorporating a project manager into our team and reworking the way that clients submit requests to us, 这意味着所有客户都会因此受益. We’re grateful for our clients’ enthusiasm, sincerity and openness to possibility. This year we enabled our clients to achieve great things through digital, allowing their customers to interact with them in brand new ways, 增加收入, reducing customer service time and overall improving their value proposition. I won’t go into detail here about what we’ve delivered and the business benefit, as I’ll be stealing the thunder of our new website launching soon!


接下来,我们的团队. We’ve grown our team this year and the way we work has evolved alongside it. We have had a complete restructure of our client-facing team. Welcoming Rachel as our new project manager gave us the opportunity to rethink things and make better use of our skills, with Emily transitioning to a full time testing and QA role, 而我则专注于客户关怀和客户管理.

与设计, we have taken our learnings and client feedback from each project, and completely reworked our design process with our designer, 马特, to suit the bigger and more complex projects we are delivering. 卡梅隆, 我们的内部开发人员, has taken on more responsibility with live code deploys and contributing to client calls, freeing up Harry to work on new challenges like systems planning workshops and more code reviews. 我们还与Lewis签订了新的开发合同, 熟悉的面孔, 并期待在新的一年里增加这一数字.

When I look back at who we were and how we worked a year ago, we have changed so much that it feels like a real maturity of our team as a whole.


那么为什么会有这些变化呢? 部分, our new clients and projects have driven us to adapt and evolve, and we are always seeking out ways we can be providing a great experience for our clients. 部分虽然, I think that in 2021 we were still reeling from the effects of the pandemic, 结果是他们渴望安全和稳定. This year we allowed ourselves room to breathe, take risks and get out of our comfort zones. We’re not perfect – and these changes have introduced many new challenges for us to work on – but the feedback we are receiving shows us that it’s all steps in the right direction. 改变是可怕的,令人畏缩的. How do we make sure we continue the same personal service while growing our team? How do we ensure we don’t lose track of who we are and what makes us special? These are questions that every owner of a growing business grapples with, and I’m no different. 在现实中, 变化是唯一不变的, 我们拥抱改变, 让我们的核心价值观帮助我们度过难关.


那么未来会怎样呢? 明年我们在Huddle会有令人兴奋的事情. 我们将在1月份迎来一名新的内部开发人员, a complete rebrand along with new website launching shortly thereafter, 一个在线客户门户网站即将推出. We are also launching some exciting client projects early in 2023. 但有些事情是不会改变的, and that’s our focus on client satisfaction and adding real tangible value. 我们一直为客户提供优质的服务, with a 93% average client satisfaction rating and 77% Excellent average NPS score, which is up 4% from last year and 20% above industry average. I feel blessed that we are booked with work for the foreseeable future, meaning we are in the privileged position of being able to accept only the clients who we feel are closely aligned with our values and for whom we will deliver great results.

After such a big year of change, our focus for 2023 will be on reviewing and refining. We’re not especially interested in growth for the sake of growth, and feel that taking on new projects and more staff for the sake of it runs the risk of diluting our existing relationships. 而不是, we will focus on finding new ways to add value to clients, 加强我们的团队, and improving the experience for anyone involved with Huddle in any form. But in the meantime, we’re looking forward to plenty of mince pies, merriment and rest! 这是我们的秘密圣诞老人Zoom的临别照!

