
JBH对Jane Hunt的采访

在这次采访中, 我们花了一些时间与JBH的简·亨特进行了交谈,以了解更多有关该业务的信息, to discuss what's new in content marketing and to discover how JBH has been affected by the pandemic.


JBH是一个 数字公关和SEO代理 我们专注于帮助品牌在搜索引擎中建立自然可见性. And that means that we deliver digital PR campaigns that generate authoritative and relevant PR coverage, but also to generate those really important backlinks in order to help our clients rank higher in organic search.

Everything we're doing is really to get the most topically relevant backlinks possible in order to allow our clients to rank higher for their domain and specific keywords, 增加交通流量, 等等,所有这些都是为了影响底线. 

虽然我们并不直接负责增加销售额, 我们策略性地与SEO合作, PR and marketing teams to ensure that the links we build are relevant and authoritative, constantly tracking and monitoring the impact they have on a brands search ranking and metrics that correlate to traffic and ultimately sales.


哦,这是个好问题. 我们有几个值得注意的例子. I think the ones that stand out for me are normally where the coverage has been quite unique. So, 例如, one of the campaigns revealed which city had the most culture per square mile in the UK. 英国独立电视台的新闻报道了这件事,他们专门做了一篇报道, where they went and interviewed local residents and asked for their opinions on the amount of culture in their area.

当我们从我们制作的活动中获得额外内容时, 我觉得这真的很酷, 因为这意味着, 这不仅有新闻价值,还引发了更多的讨论. We also produced a campaign that compared the underground systems across the world and we ranked them on criteria like best customer journey or comfort levels or whether they're dog friendly etc.

用这个, 我们从伦敦的网站获得了大量的报道和反向链接, which was perfect for our client because they're a London-based property company that allows residents to have dogs and the press loved the pet angle. 是的, these are campaigns that stand out to me mostly because of the coverage they achieve or the instant traffic they deliver for our clients.


Seoul in South Korea topped the list as the best subway system for overall passenger experience, but the angle the press loved the most was that the London Underground was most pet-friendly, 反正我们也赢了, 因为我们是一个爱狗的机构, 我们也有宠物护理行业的客户, 所以这很完美, 这是双赢.

JBH刚搬到十大网博靠谱平台不久. Could you tell us why you decided to move here and how that decision has played out so far?

当然可以. 我们于2013年在北安普顿成立了JBH,因为那是我们当时居住的地方. 但这么多年来,我们一直在努力寻找合适的人选, 尤其是数字公关职位, 这些都是相当小众的.

I think it's quite a unique industry and role in that respect and there wasn't a good sized pool of candidates available to us with that experience in or around Northampton.

I'd already lived in Manchester and was born up North so I was very aware of what Manchester had to offer in terms of the opportunities for us - in terms of finding the right talent from the universities and the abundance of businesses relocating to the North.

幸运的是,事实证明这是正确的,我们在十大网博靠谱平台建立了一个伟大的数字公关团队. As a result of relocating the business, we’re now working with some amazing brands too. So I'm so glad that we made that move and took that punt because it has really paid off.

几年前, 内容营销是这个领域的新生事物, 这个闪亮的新东西将会改变一切. 感觉是很久以前的事了. 我们在内容营销领域看到了什么新趋势和创新?

当我们建立, we set up as a content agency and it was about the time that everyone was head over heels for infographics and interactive content. 这些年我们做了很多互动的东西, 包括互动测验, 计算器, 游戏等, but in the last couple of years I feel there is less call for them and more emphasis being placed on the idea, 当然是数字公关.

对我们来说, the format of the content is now secondary to what the story is - we’ve proved that you don’t need a shiny piece of content. 当为数字公关活动产生想法时, the emphasis is on finding a really unique way to tell a story rather than the format leading. 信息图表和互动体验仍然有一席之地, 但它们可以增加叙述或帮助提供更深入的见解, 而不是故事本身.

此外,我们还发现,在封锁期间,有回归到列表风格的内容. 玩家对英雄内容的需求并不大, more for stories and content that is quick and easy to publish and therefore makes a journalist's life easier. We’ve been able to gain so many more pieces of coverage for our clients because we’re much more reactive and able to adapt our approach, providing what journalists need and quickly in order to meet their editorial deadlines.

这提醒了我们作为一个机构, 这些内容只是一个活动和产生反向链接的载体, 如果这个想法是坚实有力的, 然后,不管包装如何,它都会产生放置位置.


一开始,冠状病毒有点伤脑筋,我们确实想知道这是怎么回事, 作为一家精品机构, 我们可能会失败,但实际上我们有一个非常积极的经验. 精品化意味着我们能够在危机中更加敏捷和战略性地转向. 我们也有很多客户, and this meant we weren’t negatively impacted like some agencies who specialise in travel or hospitality 例如.

在封锁, our priority was ensuring that we were able to be proactive and support our clients as they themselves adapted their strategy. This meant working very closely with PR and SEO teams to ensure that the stories we were pitching were relevant and sensitive to the national crisis inline with their brand strategy.

我们也把封锁看作是开始免费双月刊的机会 数字公关网络研讨会 邀请具有独特观点和见解的行业嘉宾分享. 网络研讨会涵盖了如何在危机中向记者推销等主题, 公关失败, using counselling skills to improve stakeholder relationships and how to craft data-led PR campaigns.


是的, the past 6 months has been really busy for us and we’ve won some large pitches with lifestyle brands during lockdown, 确保Emoov, 希尔和维多利亚管道我们为他们策划了一些激动人心的活动.

这使我们能够扩大团队, 提供更多的价值,并专注于将机构提升到一个新的水平.


竞标过程确实有所不同,但以积极的方式. 虽然我们还没有面对面谈过, Zoom and Google Hangouts have done the job and I think it's actually enabled many brands to condense the pitch process, 显然,如果我们不需要旅行,我们每天的时间就会减少. 在线宣传的这种趋势是否会持续下去,这将是一件有趣的事情! 这对我们来说当然很有效.

所以你认为大流行会改变JBH未来的运作方式吗? 如果有,怎么做呢?

是的, 我认为大流行已经改变了我们的工作方式, 无论是我们的工作方式还是我们提供的服务. 首先, 这个团队已经证明,他们可以在任何地方工作,而不会受到微观管理, 所以与其催大家回办公室, 我们现在为团队提供了选择工作地点和时间的能力, 远程办公和办公室办公的结合.

在战略上, 我们已经证明,我们可以用一种不同的方式来进行数字公关, 将更多资源密集型英雄内容与反应性PR活动相结合. This is enabling us to generate backlinks more consistently and we’ve improved the relevance and quality of the links we’re building for our clients in the process.


如果你想让你的企业出现在十大网博靠谱平台数字的网站上, 社交媒体和时事通讯, 联系 thom@caloteiro.net 

