
The tech sector needs to offer more part-time roles to help address gender-diversity


As part of that select group – and it’s even lower for women from a BAME background – I thought I’d share my own experiences.

I work in a communications and marketing role in a growing software development and data analytics firm in Manchester called Naimuri.

I consider myself fortunate to work for a company with an amazing culture and which offers part-time and flexible working arrangements that allow me to have a fulfilling career and a productive family/personal life.

但现实是,虽然对人才的争夺达到了历史最高水平. the lack of flexibility when it comes to part-time roles in the tech sector has never been starker.

In my case I found myself made redundant in May 2020, when lockdown was in full swing.

Heavily pregnant, I was daunted by having to look for a job again and wondered what lay ahead.

I took some time out to enjoy time with my new baby and family and revisited the job market a year later to explore what options were out there. 答案是不多.

Far too often having kids has a huge impact on women and their careers however it was only last year I truly appreciated how difficult it was.

对我来说, 有两个年幼的孩子,住得离任何家庭都不近, I made the decision (with the support of my husband) to work three days a week, 这样我就能在工作和家庭之间取得平衡.

Given the huge skills shortages in the technology industry and the gender diversity issues across the sector, 我以为我能找到一个角色,但我错得太离谱了?

I lost count of the number of difficult conversations I had because I couldn’t work five days a week.


If I’m honest I’d never heard of Naimuri before but I immediately loved the way they described what they did, 他们的愿景,他们的价值观, 更完美, 他们在登广告招聘一名兼职营销和公关人员!

It’s been perfect for me but I would like to see more employers make commitments to lasting change and evaluate their business models and explore what they can offer to females working in or looking to get back into the workforce.

科技回击者 在支持女性重返行业方面做得很好吗 数字她计划 are working to inspire future generations of females to pursue a career in tech, but but the number of flexible and part-time opportunities within tech businesses are still lacking.

广泛的文献表明,英国的儿童保育费用非常昂贵, 因此,支持女性重返工作岗位或在生完孩子后接受再培训, more needs to be done by employers to create a culture where their female talent can shine, 但也, 不要因为每天的需求和试图“拥有一切”而感到疲惫。.

同时提供灵活的工作日和工作时间, 社交活动, 需要考虑团队会议和工作场所活动, 以确保雇主不会分割他们的一些员工, 谁有无法改变的承诺.

Despite the discussions over the last few years about how the working world has adapted, there is still a need to educate more employers about taking on someone on a part-time basis and the immense value they can add to a business and a huge culture shift in the workplace has to happen.

Research continually shows that the more richly diverse and inclusive a workforce is, 人才越多, 感受自己的价值,创造出好的作品.

On Sunday we saw the Lionesses win the Euro 2022 trophy at Wembley and their inspirational manager Sarina Wiegnan said their success had helped ‘change society’.

I hope we see a similar change in the tech sector and create a fairer representation for all going forward.



Working to make the UK a safer and better placeOur vision is to revolutionise national security, 数据情报, 通过使用技术来执法. 我们是每个人都想与之合作的公司.我们是一个经验丰富、充满激情的技术专家团队.We combine our experience gained from working in large systems integrators and apply it with the speed, 创新和心态的小, 有效的组织.我们的使命是让英国成为一个更安全、更美好的地方, 这在我们所做的每件事中都是显而易见的. We are committed to constant improvement driven by ever evolving culture, people and processes.我们不做敏捷,我们就是敏捷.精益和敏捷不是我们做的事情,而是我们本来就是这样. 它是我们DNA中根深蒂固的核心特征. It is instinctive in the mindset of all our people and implicit in everything we do.Software DevelopmentWe are experts across the full development lifecycle in increasing efficiencies and streamlining processes. 我们关注的是整个生命周期的成本,而不仅仅是发展. Our approach to developing systems is secure by default and couples technical excellence with innovative, forward thinking solutionsSecure Cloud MigrationWe can extend your networks into the cloud, migrating your applications and infrastructure with a strong focus on security and reliability. 我们的方法提供了无缝的过渡, allowing you to take advantage of the cloud with minimum disruption to your business.DevOpsReduce the cycle of developing your software to getting it deployed into production. We can help you automate your infrastructure and provide your development team with a toolset which makes this self-service. No more raising tickets with the Operations team and waiting for servers to be provisioned. We can help you to develop a Continuous Delivery Pipeline that will allow you to realise the value of your applications sooner and with much lower Operational risk.我们的员工成就了我们的伟大.我们是一个多元化的团队,由富有创造力、务实、有远见的个人组成.We put our people first to cultivate a creative environment where everyone can thrive.


