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Tech Bites Roundup: How to validate your customers feelings using market research

As a start-up founder, it’s likely you have a lot on your plate. Setting up a business is no easy feat, but you possess the passion and drive to see your idea come to life.

然而,当你日复一日地工作时,很难客观地看待事物. Many early start-up founders assume that customers will understand the intricacies of their product or service, 即使在你花了时间开发你的MVP并且它已经进入市场之后——但是如此接近的东西往往会扭曲你对事物的看法.

在创业阶段,市场调研可以成就你的事业,也可以毁掉你的事业, every single little detail counts. 虽然你可能已经研究过你的目标用户,以及如何制作他们会喜欢的产品, 你可能太忙了,没有想过问他们对你的产品或服务的看法.

进行市场调查不应该是在初创公司的早期阶段一次性完成的. In fact, once you have brought your product or service to market, 从很多方面来说,艰苦的工作才真正开始,而进行市场调查则更为关键.

When funds are limited, you can’t afford to make lots of mistakes. 定期进行市场调查可以帮助你预先解决客户面临的任何困难,并最终节省你的时间, money and resources. 无论你多么支持自己的产品,最终真正重要的还是客户的意见.

For example, 最近我们收到了一封来自Notion的营销邮件,内容是十大网博靠谱平台他们新推出的平台版本, Notion 2.0. In it, they said “Notion almost died in 2015. 我们在打造一款我们认为很酷的产品,而不是人们需要的产品. 我们的使命是(现在仍然是)为人们提供工具来定制他们自己的软件, but there was something missing. So my co-founder and I went back to the drawing board.”

In a lot of cases, a business's first product or service is not the best thing that they’ll ever produce. 对于任何一家初创企业,你都需要预料到初期的问题,这将使你的企业成长起来.

许多初创企业根本没有资金花费数千英镑请市场研究机构帮助他们了解客户对他们的看法. However, 好消息是,你有很多机会去做市场调查,这将帮助你验证你的客户对你的品牌的感觉. The best part? These methods won’t cost you a penny.

Watch the full webinar here.

Email marketing

了解客户对你的业务的感受的最好方法之一很简单——问他们! You can do this quickly and easily using email marketing software such as Mailchimp, AWeber or ConvertKit.

你可以使用像survey Monkey或Google Forms这样的软件免费创建一个简短的客户满意度调查. 想想哪些问题能帮助你真正理解你的客户是如何看待你的产品的. Survey respondents get fatigued or drop out if surveys are too long, so try and keep it short and simple. 我们还建议你的调查是匿名的,以确保答案是诚实和不受限制的!

Where possible, 在调查开始之前,让一个不在你的公司工作的人来检查一下,以确保你的问题措辞没有偏见或误导,并且你已经涵盖了所有的基础. 在这种情况下,使用外部机构总是有益的,因为你的调查是由专家编写的,他们知道该问什么问题.

通常,我们的客户来找我们,是因为他们想了解目标客户的一些非常具体的事情. 我们也有链接到世界各地的数百个小组-所以如果你需要从一个非常具体的子类别的人的数据, I.如果西班牙的妈妈们订阅了Netflix,我们可以帮你找到这些人.

Social media feedback

Even if you only have a small following on social media, utilise it! Write some social media posts that direct followers to your survey (again, 使用奖励是鼓励人们完成它的好方法)或者你可以使用你的Instagram故事来收集反馈.

For Instagram stories, 可以使用投票功能来提问,也可以使用问答框功能. These are two very simple but effective tools you can use to get quick, easy feedback and to find out what your audience really thinks about your offering.

例如,你可以做一些不同的调查,询问“你以前在我们这里买过东西吗?? Yes / No” and “Would you recommend us to your family and friends? Yes / No” . If you have more than two potential answers to a question, use the "Quiz" function to give people the option to pick from multiple answers. However please bear in mind that when you use the quiz, it will look as though there is a “right” answer when in reality there isn’t. It’s worth writing a disclaimer so that your respondents are aware of this.

Focus Groups

焦点小组是收集客户反馈的绝佳机会. Again, 我们建议向参与者提供一个善意的手势,以感谢他们放弃了他们的时间.

To compile a focus group, 邀请5-10个以上的客户组成一个小组,就你想收集反馈的问题向他们提问. 你可能需要考虑雇佣一个专业的版主,很多人都是自由职业者.

当你想要收集十大网博靠谱平台你业务的某个特定领域的反馈时,焦点小组特别有用. After all, who better to ask than your existing customers? 我们建议询问他们对你现有产品/服务和客户旅程的看法,比如“购买我们的产品容易吗?? How could we make the process easier for you? How could we make our product / service better?”


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