

十大网博靠谱平台fintech Total Processing 是否正在将自己打造成支付领域的行业领导者. 

在经历了一年的惊人增长和新的投资之后, 我们找到了卡梅隆·李, 道达尔加工公司的董事之一, 来了解更多十大网博靠谱平台他们的故事, plans for future growth and the state of Manchester’s thriving fintech sector for our latest #SeniorTechTalk.

您能给我们介绍一下Total Processing吗, your journey so far and the ways in which you are disrupting the payments sector?

Total Processing 一家金融科技公司的总部在十大网博靠谱平台吗, 但我们现在在德国也有办事处, 马耳他和迪拜. 它是五年前成立的, but it was really only two and a half years ago where the business really took off. 所以在这段时间内,我们从少数人发展到50多人. 

从根本上说,这项业务帮助商家接受在线支付. 给大家一个概念, 每当你尝试在网上买东西时,你都会得到出现的盒子, 你在哪里输入你的16位卡号, 闭路数量. 有效期等. 我们为这个软件提供便利. And we help move money from your bank account when you're shopping online to the businesses. 

现在, the market historically had been dominated by really old school players such as WorldPay and Barclaycard, who charged merchants a fortune for their service and had really poor customer service and technology. So if you had any issues at all, you had to speak to 10 different people to get an answer. 它也非常昂贵,技术也很差. 

Then recently, we saw a shift as newer players came into the market, such as Stripe, Checkout.com和Adyen, who had really great technology and have managed to raise hundreds of millions of pounds from venture capitalists, but because they've got so large and they have to charge a lot of money to service the money that they've raised. 再一次。, they’re not very flexible so they can’t bespoke any products for customers because they are the size they are. 它们也很贵, and most of them have offshore customer service teams so if you need any help you get a call centre in India or an FAQ page. 

至于“全面处理”的适用范围,我们处于中间位置. 我们有很好的技术, coupled with really local customer support and technical support teams - as I say about 50 people based in Manchester. 坚实的基础. 我想我们刚刚成长起来,现在开始服务大约2000名客户, 以某种形式收取报酬, 每年的加工量超过20亿英镑. 


我是公司的董事和股东之一. I predominately look after the strategy and corporate development within the business, so assisting on which direction the business should go in from a company standpoint. 我们应该在哪里开设新办事处, 我们应该瞄准哪些市场, 我们应该投资什么, 我们应该发布什么样的新产品——诸如此类的事情. 

我还负责我们的一些大客户, 还会收购其他公司. 我们打算在明年左右收购一家公司, 所以我现在只是在看工作流程.

从外面看, it certainly looks like the business has been through a period of significant growth over the past 12 months. Would you say that the market conditions brought about by the pandemic have benefited you as a business?

是的,100%. 我们看到了从实体零售到电子商务的巨大转变, and e-commerce is prevailing hand and fist over brick and mortar retail at the minute because you can't go and shop in person for many things, 你必须在网上做. 

So as a result we saw a lot of our clients see a massive increase in the amount of volume that they're processing. And because we're a transactional business, the more they process, the more successful we become. 

同样, we saw a lot of old school businesses really shift their focus on to online and payments. So, 因为这些老玩家从来没有认真对待过网络游戏, the pandemic has forced them to think in a certain way and we have been in a position to benefit from that as we're facilitating online transactions. 

同样, 我们在迪拜有一些客户, 谁传统上只把现金作为主要的支付方式, 但由于新冠病毒,现在已经转向信用卡或在线支付.

Last year you announced that the business had secured quite significant funding. Could you tell us a bit about what your plans are over the next 12 months in terms of growth?

We plan on growing organically by hiring more people in the UK and expanding out internationally. 以迪拜为例,我们现在有四名全职员工. 我们还打算启动德国办事处, as well as looking at some more European satellite offices for us to base sales people out of. 

也, 我们正在考虑一些相当重要的收购, so looking at buying other payment businesses and bringing them into the Total Processing group. 这真的很令人兴奋. 

We’ll also be developing some technology that will continue to disrupt the payment space, 开放银行, 数据分析类产品.

你认为支付行业的未来会是什么样子, 您希望Total Processing在其中扮演什么样的角色?

这是一个节奏非常快的市场,一切都在不断变化. 我们已经看到Klarna等替代支付方式的兴起, and a lot of customers now use that as a payment method when purchasing large items. 

我想我们可能会看到更多的付费方式出现. 举个例子, Apply Pay is something I always use to purchase things now and we may see further developments like that. 开放银行是我们看到的一个大趋势,我们非常看好. 让你们了解一下什么是开放银行, 这是你从网站转移到银行应用程序的地方, 然后你要按"接受", 哪个提示从您的银行账户直接转账到企业. 这会非常非常光滑. You see it being used by a few people at the minute, but adoption is still lagging behind. 但一旦人们意识到这是多么快捷和容易, 而且对商家来说也更便宜, 我认为这将成为一种主要的支付方式. 

我们的立场是,我们希望站在所有这一切的最前沿. So we've developed a platform that enables ua to accept over 300 alternative payment methods, 包括Klarna这样的人, 贝宝, Apple Pay等. 我们也在开发自己的开放式银行支付解决方案.

显然你是从十大网博靠谱平台开始的, what is it about the city that has led to it being home to such a thriving fintech sector?

我认为这是城市将人们联系在一起的能力. 我认为十大网博靠谱平台作为一个城市一直是伦敦的挑战者. 所以为了竞争, 企业总是走到一起, 无论是通过合作关系, or whether it's just helping each other out to assist growth of the entire region. 

We've got partners who are actively referring us work and want to see us become more successful. 同样,企业家社区也非常开放, so if we encounter something that we've not seen before or we're going through growing pains, 总有一个企业家曾经做过这件事. They can lend an ear or give us a bit of advice for example on how best to scale in Germany or the pitfalls to watch out for when you're hiring teams remotely. 十大网博靠谱平台是一个非常开放和合作的城市.

神奇的. Finally, is there anything else about Total Processing that you’d like to share that we may not know?

是的,我想强调的是,我们一直在招聘. I think there's probably five or six active jobs for people in Manchester at the minute ranging from our support teams through to sales through to technology. 

我们是一家高速增长的公司,我们有一些非常令人兴奋的计划, but we're also developing and creating jobs in Manchester and we're really keen to speak to people and push out our message that we are Total Processing, 我们将留在这里,我们将踏上一段激动人心的旅程. 作为其中的一部分,我们需要找到最优秀的人才. So we’re super keen to hear from people who are interested in working with us and joining us on this journey.


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